


    Success and Failure – They aren’t that different – Bob Edwards

    “If you want to understand failure quit looking for failure and start looking for success”
    Bob Edwards, Founder, The HOP Coach

    Bob Edwards

    Bob shared a highly interactive keynote presentation that looked at how failures & successes occur and showed the key links between the conditions that lead to both outcomes.
    “Perhaps failure has more to do with how normal things couple than because of some specific root cause.”


    Bob Edwards is a Human & Organizational Performance (HOP) practitioner. Bob works with all levels of an organization, teaching HOP Fundamentals and training and coaching Learning Teams. Through the use of Learning Teams, companies and organizations are gaining a much deeper understanding of their operations and the complex nature of work. Bob leads organizations away from the blame model and deeper into collaboration and into building a culture of continuous improvement by learning from workers and implementing their ideas. This, in turn, is leading to more thorough, meaningful and sustainable improvements to issues in safety, quality and operations. Bob has a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Tennessee Technological University and Master’s degree in Advanced Safety Engineering Management from the University of Alabama Birmingham. His work experience includes time as a maintenance man, soldier in the U.S. Army, a design engineer, maintenance and technical support leader, safety leader and assistant plant manager.