


    Rodd Martin, CEO for Smart Video Australia discusses How Smart Video Work


    Rodd Martin, CEO for Smart Video Australia discusses How Smart Video Works. Unlocking the value of organisations’ customer databases. Millions of customers can view their own personalised video on demand, in real time. Each video is dynamic – automatically customised using the latest customer data. Personalised video is the next crucial step in the evolutionary process of video content, and the move towards a more personalised approach to customer lifecycle management.

    “One of the Only company in the world who can customise Audio in the world”.

    Smart Video Australia is able to Personalise CX Programs for ASX Top 200 Organisations, enabling them to leverage the power of their customer data, and to transform their multi-channel experience journeys. Smart Video Australia Videos aren’t pre-rendered by created in real time, delivered on demand, driven by a data file. This allows companies to enhance the customer experience and capture metrics around the effectiveness of our campaigns.

    Smart Video Australia offers a range of tailored solutions which range from Customer Acquisition, Retention, On-Boarding and Loyalty Programs, though a dynamic interactive Video Billing/Statements.  Smart Video Australia’s service is cutting edge and changing the way Companies engage with their Consumers. Personalised Video’s are the next evolution in Data-driven CX Marketing technology.