Karen Oldaker, General Manager – Wellbeing & Community at Medibank speaks on ‘Reframing the paradigm of wellbeing’.

Karen Oldaker, General Manager – Wellbeing & Community at Medibank spoke to delegates at the OHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Reframing the paradigm of wellbeing’. Wellbeing is no longer the soft and fluffy arm of OHS and HR. The cost of non-work related injury and illness continues to rise with the impacts of preventable disease impacting our workplaces and people at rapid rate. Karen highlighted that as OHS professionals, we need to reframe the paradigm of wellbeing strategies and programs from one that focuses on fixing broken people to one that builds on the strengths and individuality of our employees, supported by the physical environment, policies, leadership and purpose. Some of the key topics covered were: Mind, Body, Purpose and Place – an integrated approach; Inclusive workplaces – the foundation of wellbeing; Leadership – the criticality of trust and authenticity to workplace wellbeing; and Measurement – employee wellbeing is the cornerstone of engagement.
Karen has had many years of experience in the field of organisation Health and Wellbeing with a strong background in the development and delivery of integrated Strategies and programs. Karen’s current role as GM Wellbeing and Community provides a unique opportunity to integrate corporate programs across multiple disciplines and divisions within the organisation including Safety, Injury Management and Workplace Relations. Further to this, having recently expanded her portfolio to include Corporate Social Responsibility at Medibank, Karen’s key objective is bring Medibank’s purpose ‘For ‘Better Health’ to life both internally for employees and externally in the community.

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