Digital Government Transformation

Media Corp International was proud to have Dato Dr Nor Aliah Mohd Zahri,former Malaysia Government CIO, as one of the speakers on the first day of the CIO Leaders Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on June 1, 2016.
Nor explained that transforming government through the power of digital technologies will be a journey as government bodies and agencies that are seeking to make the digital transformation are normally affected by barriers such as cultures, processes, and skill sets. Interestingly, two of the most important things that can help public sector leaders to make digital transformation happen are Strategy and Leadership. This is where she further discussed current strategic technology trends in government which include social media penetration.
In the coming years, several factors can reshape the way government delivers its services such as the rise of millennials and the power of social media.
Part of her presentation was about the new service delivery approach where she highlighted a seamless and whole-of-government approach for the following: 1Serve, Strategic Collaboration, Rural Transformation Center,, Urban Transformation Center, 1Malaysia Call and 1Malaysia Training Center. Another thing she stressed is the importance of meeting citizens’ expectation as it eventually improves citizen experience.
Lastly she addressed the need for strategic direction in terms of digital leadership, data for government enterprise architecture and management of service models to bring up the country’s competency.
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