Why You Need Innovation, Even In A Slump

The Annual 5th COO Leaders Summit strives for innovation and provides attendees with reliable and thought-provoking presentations. We were proud to welcome Dr Tim Kastelle, Associate Professor for UQ Business School, to speak on innovation for businesses in a slump.
Tim Kastelle is a graduate from Princeton University, with a degree Economics Working in marketing and management positions in a variety of positions, Tim then went on to complete PhD researach on applying evolutionary economics to the management of firms. His research program is predominantly focused on investigating the implications of viewing the economy and firms as complex evolving systems.
Also having completing his MBA (Advanced) at the UQ Business School, Tim spoke on the need for innovation. Innovation is often considered as “nice to have”, rather than a “need to have”. Tim highlighted that in the present business environment, innovation is crucial to achieving long-term success. It is easy to discount innovation as another buzzword, however, Tim presentation clearly addressed what innovation is and why it’s important in the resources sector and how to get it started.
This conversation opened up several questions from the COOs. If you have any questions tweet them to @COOLeaders and use #COOLeadersSummit! Or join the discussion on our LinkedIn page!