Improving Business Health

Providing the last presentation for the COO Leaders Summit, was Andrew Birch, Director, Vantage Performance. Andrew spoke on improving business health, in the current uncertain economic conditions. Andrew highlighted the volatile commodity markets, and brought focus to the shorter and less predictable business cycle times. Business leaders still have the responsibility to make sound decisions to lead their business growth and sustainability. Andrew focused on questions such as, what can you learn from business turnaround experts that will help you navigate your course to improved business health?
Before the session, the attendees were invited to complete a business health survey. Andrew then explored how Business Health is largely a result of disciplined planning and execution and consider how Turnaround practitioners apply this approach to drive business forward. Andrew also outlined the indications of a successful business and examined the sustainable competitive advantage. The session also went on to breakout into smaller groups to discuss factors that contribute or detract from their business. Proving to be extremely helpful, Andrew was also able to consider critical success factors that hinder success and the importance of keeping score.
Andrew Birch is a chartered accountant and business consultant with 2o years experience. Andrew has been Director of Vantage Performance for over four years. Vantage performance is Australia’s leading Turnaround and Performance Improvement Firm. The organisation offers favourable outcomes for businesses dealing with critical and unusual challenges. Ranging from crisis management to assisting management teams to better the performance of their business. Andrew heads change initiatives and leads full-scale restructuring plans and turnaround efforts, while also overseeing sale negotiations and delivering best-practice corporate governance and risk management solutions.
This conversation opened up several questions from the COOs. If you have any questions tweet them to @COOLeaders and use #COOLeadersSummit! Or join the discussion on our LinkedIn page!