Major legal changes in 2018 – Industrial Manslaughter, Contractor management, Heavy Vehicle Laws
Harold Downes and Steve Bell, Partners at Herbert Smith Freehills, deliver a presentation on “Major legal changes in 2018 – Industrial Manslaughter, Contractor management, Heavy Vehicle Laws”
Harold Downes took attendees through the recent introduction of the offense of ‘industrial manslaughter’ in Queensland, and advocated that these changes are so significant that they should be the subject of a management of change style review by major employers. Steve spoke to recent developments in the ‘contractor management’ area and provided an update on reforms to the NHVL regime.
Harold has a Bachelor of Laws from the University of the Free State and advanced diploma in labour law obtained from the Rand Afrikaans University. He is admitted to practise in the Supreme Courts of New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, as well as the High Court of Australia. Harold practised as an attorney in South Africa from the early 1980s, 10 of those years as a law firm partner. He joined Freehills in 2002.
Steve holds a law degree from the University of Melbourne (Hons) and a Bachelor of Arts with a major in political science.