Chary Chigurala, Head of Information Technology at Laminex Australia and New Zealand, presented the session “Funding for emerging technologies”.

Most senior IT executives realise the role played by emerging technologies (eg, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) in enabling the business strategies. However, the challenge lies in convincing the senior business executives on the need to invest in emerging technologies to stay ahead of the market. Given the competing business priorities for funding, it can be pretty hard to get the emerging technologies on the funding short-list. How to articulate the value of emerging technologies in a compelling manner and introduce a sense of urgency for investment is the focus of this session.
A strategist and business partner with proven business technology experience in Tier 1 companies such as HP, EDS and ANZ Bank. Driven by passion for business value, Chary strategises and implements large transformation programs. With 25 years experience in finance, telecom and distribution industries, he maintains trusted advisory status with C – Level business executives to deploy technologies intelligently and achieve business outcomes. Based on Harvard Business School training along with CXO level experience across 13 countries, he brings exceptional credibility. His transferable skills include: 1. Strategic: Helps companies achieve ‘higher purpose’ and competitive advantage through digital technology solutions 2. Business Partner: With customer interests at heart, Chary helps business win 3. IT Management: Based on human synergy principles, he designs IT organisation structures and models to achieve superior IT service delivery Chary led large transformation programs in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, China, India, Singapore, Thailand, HK, Korea and Japan, which helps him to draw upon the best practices in a practical manner. As an adviser to Harvard Business Review Council and McKinsey Quarterly along with presentations at industry events across Asia Pacific, he has gained a deep appreciation for advances in technology. With this background, Chary helps business leaders take advantage of emerging technologies and create sustainable competitive advantage.