An innovative approach to tackling sprain and strain injuries that actually works!
Terry Wong, General Manager, Move 4 Life runs a keynote presentation to our audience around ways of looking at “An innovative approach to tackling sprain and strain injuries that actually works!”
Sprains and strains is the biggest category of injuries in most organisations; yet there has been very little innovation in how to confront them. SafeWork Australia’s data shows that across the board we aren’t making much progress!
To make it worse, many organisations are facing a tsunami of sprain & strain injuries as a result of largely unchanged physically demanding work required of an ageing workforce.
But what to do about it?
Using stories from customers Terry outlined an innovative approach that empowers people to take responsibility for their own movement behaviours. It can deliver long-term, sustainable change leading to fewer injuries, increased physical resilience and a shift in the culture towards taking personal responsibility for safety generally. The return on investment opportunity is significant.
Participants gained value for themselves and for their organisation in an engaging, participative session that had people on their feet learning by doing.
I became involved with Move 4 Life having been introduced to it whilst on a safety consulting assignment with a mutual customer. As a Physiotherapist who had designed and delivered many safety training programs, I had never seen any training so well received by employees that resulted in such tangible results so quickly. I now get the opportunity work with organisations daily to help figure out ways to reduce the impact of sprain & strain injuries; whether that be working directly with small groups, as a Master Trainer accrediting in-house Trainers or at conferences speaking to large groups of safety professionals. Move 4 Life has a track record of dramatically reducing sprain and strain injuries and significantly boosting employee engagement in safety programs. We have seen customers report cuts of 50% in their manual handling injuries! 95%+ of the more than 10,000 participants in our training have told us that they will actually apply what they have learned in our training – and they do … the results speak for themselves. Move 4 Life is no ‘tick-the-box’ compliance training – it is an investment in injury reduction and an engaged workforce that genuinely changes behaviour.