Steve Walz, Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Move 4 Life and Terry Wong, General Manager at Move 4 Life host a roundtable discussion on ‘Confronting issues associated with an ageing workforce’.

Steve Walz, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Move 4 Life and Terry Wong, General Manager at Move 4 Life hosted a roundtable discussion at the OHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Confronting issues associated with an ageing workforce’. Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rates (TRIFR) for workers older than 45 years can be 300 times higher than under 45 year age group. As the workforce ages, a tsunami of sprain and strain injury claims is coming. What should you do about it? This workshop attempted to unravel some of the issues companies will need to do to confront this issue.
The takeaways were: some secrets about ageing well – that’s value for you personally; latest thinking about how to deal with the physical impacts of an ageing workforce; and evidence of the link between physical resilience and mental health in ageing workers.
Steve founded the Move 4 Life business in Australia after being a customer as the Head of HR for the logistics business at Woolworths. He knew this System from the perspective of the manager responsible for deciding to implement it and as the budget owner who had to pay for it! He had never seen any training be so well received by employees and result in real behaviour change so quickly. The training was directly aimed at helping people not get hurt and it treated them like adults – it provided information and a genuine alternative and allowed people to make their own decisions. In 2005 he bought the global IP rights to the Program and established the Australian business. Together with his team of trainers and consultants, they were absolutely determined to help companies and employees reduce sprain and strain injuries. They want to send people home to their families pain-free and for companies to save the extraordinary cost of these injuries. Move 4 Life has a track record of dramatically reducing sprain and strain injuries and significantly boosting employee engagement in safety programs. They have seen customers report cuts of 50% in their manual handling injuries! 95%+ of the more than 10,000 participants in their training have told them that they can actually apply what they have learned in the Move 4 Life training – and they do … the results speak for themselves. The Move 4 Life SYSTEM is no ‘tick-the-box’ compliance training – it is an investment in injury reduction and an engaged workforce that genuinely changes behaviour.
Terry is General Manager of Move 4 Life, the benchmark in preventing sprain and strain injuries and future-proofing an ageing workforce. A Physiotherapist by-trade with a background in Medical Science, Terry has spent the last 15 years in workplace rehabilitation, occupational health, injury-prevention and training. Terry is a well sought after facilitator and keynote speaker, renowned for his energetic and entertaining delivery. He has been a media spokesperson with his position as Chair of the Occupational Health Group of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and is widely published on these subjects.

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