SAP Hybris Presents, Digital Commerce and Customer Engagement

The CXO Leaders Summit was proud to have SAP Hybris present on Digital Commerce and Customer Engagement. S. Pranatharthi Haran, Head of Customer Engagement & Commerce SEA, engaged high-level executives in a discussion on the transforming digital engagements. Haran has over 17 year experience in sales and marketing as well as customer engagement and business development. Leading the conversation, Haran opened up many key issues and highlighted the various innovations in today’s digital platform.
The digital landscape is one that continually evolves in the way consumers live, work and play. In most organizations, using multiple channels such as the web and mobile devices, throughout the purchasing process is a standard practice. Haran highlighted the transformative digital capabilities that are now a business imperative. He also gave notice to successful eBusinesses and how they are driven from customer intelligence that is garnered by successfully capturing, understanding and predicting customer behaviour. Discover how SAP Hybris’ state-of-the-art omni-channel platform is effecting positive and lasting impressions in the customer experience space.
The CXO Leaders Summit is an Annual, invitation only event held over two days. Gathering leading marketing professionals and though-leaders, together they will discuss key issues that effect the industry. This presentation opened up many questions from the CXO Leaders. Tweet to @CXOLeaders or use #CXOLeadersSummit to join the smarter conversation.