Right-Sourcing (Insourcing versus Outsourcing) – Getting the Balance Right Considering the Trade-offs, Cost, Agility and Risks – Tim Palmer
Tim Palmer, General Manager, Head of Workplace Technology – NAB

Tim’s presentation discussed the key executive decision points in determining when and what to outsource versus insource and the structure and controls required to ensure success.
Analysis of the services well suited to outsourcing and the pitfalls of poorly contracted agreements, versus services and capability that must be retained within the organisation will be discussed. Complexity, cost, agility, risk trade-offs and the benefits of ‘Right-Sourcing’ in-line with customer needs.
Tim is a technology and finance executive with proven results across strategy and architecture, operations, software and solution development, financial management, digital transformation and cloud adoption, cyber-security, program delivery, outsourcing and insourcing and corporate restructuring.