Chamber of Minerals & Energy, CEO on Community Perception and Contribution

The COO Leaders Summit started of day two with Reg Howard Smith, CEO of the Chamber of Minerals & Energy (CME). The CME is the top representative for the resources sector in Western Australia. A member-funded, not for profit organisation that represent the views of its members, as well as advocating their needs. The CME guides policy development on matters impacting on the resources sector. The organisation promotes industry values to the community and also provides an avenue through which members and stakeholders are able to collaborate. Formed in 1901, CME continues to provide members with a unified voice, establishing priorities of the industry are well understood and its role as a driver of the Western Australian and National economy continues.
Appointed in 2007, Reg Howard-Smith has served as the CEO for the CME. Members for the CME account for 95% of the production of Minerals and Energy produced in West Australia. A graduate of the University of Western Australia, with a major in Economics, Reg was previously employed by Woodside and worked in a national senior management position with George Weston Foods. Reg has also worked in advocacy positions in Western Australia and Victoria, starting his Reg career with BHP in Perth.
This conversation opened up several questions from the COOs. If you have any questions tweet them to @COOLeaders and use #COOLeadersSummit! Or join the discussion on our LinkedIn page!