


    WHS and the C-Suite – How Safety is Embedded at Aurora Dairies Though the Long Range Planning & Operating Model – Keynote Panel Discussion


    Wade Needham, Director ESG & EHS, Natural Resources

    Ben James, CEO, Aurora Dairies
    Gavin Merriman, Workplace Health, Safety & Environment Manager, Warakirri Asset Management

    Some of the keynotes discussed in this panel:

    • How a strong operating model contributes to Safety as a by-product
    • How Aurora Dairies integrates WHS into CAPEX planning (Infrastructure Upgrades) and Project Execution
    • How Aurora Dairies won the WorkSafe Victoria Award ‘Commitment to Workplace Health & Safety on a Farm‘ category.
    • How WHS Professionals can best support a CEO, including how to support M&A Due Diligence activities
    • How a CEO manages diverse stakeholder ESG expectations
    • How supporting and being part of consultation forums through industry bodies improves WHS across an industry