Genevieve Hawkins, General Manager – Health, Safety and Wellbeing at Coles hosts a roundtable discussion on ‘Having a voice: How to strengthen the influencing muscles’.  

Genevieve Hawkins, General Manager – Health, Safety and Wellbeing at Coles hosted a roundtable discussion at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Having a voice: How to strengthen the influencing muscles’. As senior people in safety our roles are no longer around providing technical advice in safety so much as navigating organisational politics to ensure the safety voice is effectively heard. This round table discussion provided participants the opportunity to bring along current challenging situations to workshop through approaches to change to get a better outcome. Proving to be an interactive and engaging session, this was certainly a roundtable not to be missed.

Genevieve is a highly accomplished senior executive, director, change facilitator and executive coach with a proven track record of achievement in leading organisations through change. Highly experienced in facilitating major culture change and producing strong financial results through people. Engages at multiple levels internally and within stakeholder organisations and achieves the desired outcomes through astute negotiation and influencing. Track record of resolving complexity to deliver pragmatic solutions. Her specialties include: Strategic planning, change management, leadership, facilitation, conflict resolution, implementing business plans.

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International guest speaker Professor Patrick Hudson from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands hosted a roundtable discussion on ‘Just and fair culture – compliance and leadership’.

International guest speaker, Professor Patrick Hudson from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, hosted a roundtable discussion at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Just and fair culture – compliance and leadership’. This workshop examined why people break the rules and what you can do about it, using a state-of-the-art model – Meeting Expectations. This model not only represents the most recent thinking about non-compliance, but also can be integrated into a model for Safety leadership. The workshop also explored the roles and responsibilities of workers, supervisors and management.

Patrick is a psychologist with wide experience of safety and management in a variety of high-hazard industries. Patrick has worked with the Oil and Gas sector, both upstream and downstream, commercial and military aviation, shipping, mining and hospital medicine. Patrick was one of the developers of the Tripod model for Shell, together with Jim Reason and Willem Wagenaar, better known as the Swiss Cheese model. Patrick was part of Shell’s team developing the theory of SMS in response to Piper Alpha and am now involved in teaching and developing SMS concepts in Civil Aviation, primarily in Asia and Australasia. Patrick developed the HSE Culture ladder, together with Dianne Parker and is now working on improving concepts of risk analysis in hospital medicine, transferring knowledge and experience between industries. Patrick is an Emeritus Professor at Delft University of Technology in The Human Factor in Safety at the Department of Safety Science. His specialties include: Psychology, aviation safety, Oil and Gas HSE, patient safety, Nuclear engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, design.

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International guest speaker Professor Patrick Hudson from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands speaks to delegates on ‘Living the Dream: What does it really take to get to zero?’


International guest speaker, Professor Patrick Hudson from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, delivered a keynote presentation at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Living the Dream: What does it really take to get to zero?’ Professor Patrick’s presentation focused on having zero accidents is a dream rather than a reality for most organisations. Achieving stellar safety performance takes more than just concentrating on what goes wrong, but also requires more than an aspirational mindset about primarily concentrating on what we can do well. Reality requires that we do both; we choose what we concentrate on dependent on where we are at present and where, in terms of performance, we want to get to. This means that as we approach our goal, what we do to achieve ever improving safety performance has to change. Trying harder only gets us so far and often what got us there won’t get us any further. This means we have to become context sensitive – not only to our current culture of safety, but also realise that different types of hazardous activity may require increasingly different approaches.

Patrick is a psychologist with wide experience of safety and management in a variety of high-hazard industries. Patrick has worked with the Oil and Gas sector, both upstream and downstream, commercial and military aviation, shipping, mining and hospital medicine. Patrick was one of the developers of the Tripod model for Shell, together with Jim Reason and Willem Wagenaar, better known as the Swiss Cheese model. Patrick was part of Shell’s team developing the theory of SMS in response to Piper Alpha and am now involved in teaching and developing SMS concepts in Civil Aviation, primarily in Asia and Australasia. Patrick developed the HSE Culture ladder, together with Dianne Parker and is now working on improving concepts of risk analysis in hospital medicine, transferring knowledge and experience between industries. Patrick is an Emeritus Professor at Delft University of Technology in The Human Factor in Safety at the Department of Safety Science. His specialties include: Psychology, aviation safety, Oil and Gas HSE, patient safety, Nuclear engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, design.


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Jon Baker, Head of Health and Safety at Coca Cola Amatil and Paul Dundon, Founder and Managing Director at Direct Health Solutions co-present a workshop on ‘Tele-health @ Work’.


Jon Baker, Head of Health and Safety at Coca Cola Amatil and Paul Dundon, Founder and Managing Director at Direct Health Solutions (DHS) co-present a workshop at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Tele-health @ Work’. They spoke on how the evidence supporting the effectiveness and business benefit of Tele-health for Day 1 Absence Management and Injury Triage is rapidly growing. Over the last 12 years, DHS has been providing Absence Management and Injury Triage programs in the corporate sector. This session discussed how Tele-health for Injury Triage and Absence Management can reduce claims cost and reduce medical treatment and lost time injury duration, and what an Integrated Absence & Injury Model (WR/NRW) may look like in the future.

Jon shared his insights into how the Injury Triage & Treatment Program implemented with Direct Health Solutions has impacted their results over the last two years. He discussed the challenges of implementation; engagement and optimising adoption; and results to-date, and where to from here?

Jon has worked at CCA for 15 years in a number of key leadership roles which has seen him establish the CCA National Customer Centre in 2003 and transformed route distribution performance. Since January 2012 Jon has been responsible for setting and delivering the Australian Beverages health and safety strategy as well as providing support to the broader CCA Group. A number of targeted initiatives implemented over the 2012 – 2014 period has seen employee injuries reduce by 62%.

Paul is the founder and managing director of Direct Health Solutions. Direct Health Solutions is a leader in providing Absence Management and early intervention Injury Management to organisations across Australia. DHS is one of the largest telehealth providers in Australia, and handle over 500,000 Telehealth calls annually from employers and employees. DHS operate a 24/7 Nurse triage service to provide assistance to ill and injured workers. On average, clients see reduction in reportable injuries of up to 60%, and reductions in absenteeism by up to 40%.


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Craig Hynes, General Manager Operations and Dion Smith, Chief Sales Offices from Executive Risk Solutions conducted a workshop on ‘Are you prepared to avert a crisis?’

Craig Hynes, General Manager Operations and Dion Smith, Chief Sales Offices from Executive Risk Solutions conducted a workshop at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Are you prepared to avert a crisis?’ They highlighted that in our experience crisis and emergency management plans and procedures need to be highly applied and practical. There is no time to read them when the tiger starts chasing you. Training and exercising your crisis management team is the secret to its success. In this showcase presentation, ERS discussed clear and proven strategies for leaders when dealing with Crisis and Emergency Management situations.

Craig is a former Chief Operations Officer of the Fire Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA) and has 30 years’ expertise in crisis and emergency preparedness and risk management and is currently the General Manager Operations for leading security and emergency response company Executive Risk Solutions. Throughout his career he has been responsible for coordinating some of the most significant incidents in Western Australia’s and FESA’s history and have overseen a major improvement in emergency coordination between multiple government agencies. He has served on the emergency management subcommittee for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth in 2010, been a member of the Emergency Services Sub-Group of the State Emergency Management Committee, a FESA proxy delegate to the State Emergency Management Committee and member of the State Mitigation Committee.

Dion is Executive Risk Solutions’ Chief Sales Officer and is in charge of the ERS Recruitment division. ERS Recruitment specialises in creating pathways for Ex-Defence personnel, as well as providing highly skilled and qualified staff to private organisations. Dion  began his career in recruitment for Integrated Workforce (now part of the Programmed Group), where he held various management and executive positions, in both sales and operations. From there he moved to TSS Westaff from 2007 to 2011, and then onto Mining People International, where he was the General Manager for Sales and Strategy. His most recent role was Head of Sales and Marketing for Vocation in Education. Dion has served on the Board of two publicly listed recruitment and professional services companies as an Executive Director, and was also a Board Member for the WA State Branch of Save the Children from 2006–2008.  Dion has 4 children and is involved in many voluntary activities through the school and sports communities. Dion was appointed as a Commissioner at Legal Aid in December 2010 as a nominee of the State Attorney General. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Western Australia, and Masters of Business Administration from the University of NSW/University of Sydney.


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Steve Walz, Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Move 4 Life and Terry Wong, General Manager at Move 4 Life host a roundtable discussion on ‘Confronting issues associated with an ageing workforce’.

Steve Walz, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Move 4 Life and Terry Wong, General Manager at Move 4 Life hosted a roundtable discussion at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Confronting issues associated with an ageing workforce’. Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rates (TRIFR) for workers older than 45 years can be 300 times higher than under 45 year age group. As the workforce ages, a tsunami of sprain and strain injury claims is coming.  What should you do about it? This workshop attempted to unravel some of the issues companies will need to do to confront this issue.

The takeaways were: some secrets about ageing well – that’s value for you personally; latest thinking about how to deal with the physical impacts of an ageing workforce; and evidence of the link between physical resilience and mental health in ageing workers.

Steve founded the Move 4 Life business in Australia after being a customer as the Head of HR for the logistics business at Woolworths. He knew this System from the perspective of the manager responsible for deciding to implement it and as the budget owner who had to pay for it! He had never seen any training be so well received by employees and result in real behaviour change so quickly. The training was directly aimed at helping people not get hurt and it treated them like adults – it provided information and a genuine alternative and allowed people to make their own decisions. In 2005 he bought the global IP rights to the Program and established the Australian business. Together with his team of trainers and consultants, they were absolutely determined to help companies and employees reduce sprain and strain injuries. They want to send people home to their families pain-free and for companies to save the extraordinary cost of these injuries. Move 4 Life has a track record of dramatically reducing sprain and strain injuries and significantly boosting employee engagement in safety programs. They have seen customers report cuts of 50% in their manual handling injuries! 95%+ of the more than 10,000 participants in their training have told them that they can actually apply what they have learned in the Move 4 Life training – and they do … the results speak for themselves. The Move 4 Life SYSTEM is no ‘tick-the-box’ compliance training – it is an investment in injury reduction and an engaged workforce that genuinely changes behaviour.

Terry is General Manager of Move 4 Life, the benchmark in preventing sprain and strain injuries and future-proofing an ageing workforce. A Physiotherapist by-trade with a background in Medical Science, Terry has spent the last 15 years in workplace rehabilitation, occupational health, injury-prevention and training. Terry is a well sought after facilitator and keynote speaker, renowned for his energetic and entertaining delivery. He has been a media spokesperson with his position as Chair of the Occupational Health Group of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and is widely published on these subjects.


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Craig Bates, Managing Director and President at TQCSI talks to delegates on ‘EHS management systems and ISO 45001’.

Craig Bates, Managing Director and President at TQCSI hosted a roundtable discussion at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘EHS management systems and ISO 45001’. After ISO‘s failure to globally harmonise EHS in the 1990’s, countries were left to create their own standard, resulting in duplicated standards such as AS 4801 and OHSAS 18001, which are fundamentally the same. ISO has now revisited EHS and, after exhaustive consultation, the first international Standard is imminent. ISO 45001 will likely be published in early 2018 and it will be in the same format with common terminology as other management system standards. ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environmental) were published in 2015 and it will be relatively simple for organisations to integrate ISO 45001.

ISO 45001 is not prescriptive, its outcome based requiring an EHS management system which is risk based and facilitates compliance with local regulations. We expect ISO 45001 certification to rapidly become a requirement for organisations in most industries throughout the world. But what’s in ISO 45001? What sort of EHS management system will be required? How will this new standard affect your certification?

Craig is responsible for the strategic direction and ultimate success of TQCSI throughout the world, including the Company’s international growth and product development. He is a senior lead auditor in OHS, Quality, Environmental, Food Safety and Asset Management System Standards. As a member of the Australian Standards Committee for EHS (SF-001), he has an intimate knowledge and insight into the development of the International Standard for EHS (ISO 45001).

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Thomas Howell, National Training Manager at Premium Health talks on ‘Shock tactics – The link between quality and outcome’.

Thomas Howell, National Training Manager at Premium Health hosted a roundtable discussion at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia  on ‘Shock tactics – The link between quality and outcome’. This roundtable discussion explored the relationship between the quality of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation and patient survival outcomes. Through current statistics, practical demonstration and presentation of evidence based research, participants will be given a greater understanding of the importance of both CPR and defibrillation. The mechanics of CPR and defibrillation relating to anatomy will be examined to highlight the importance of quality of training and implementation.

Thomas is a remote area paramedic with substantial experience working in remote parts of Papua New Guinea and as a military medic with the Australian Army throughout Australia, South East Asia and the Middle East. Thomas has held the position of National Training Manager at Premium Health for 3 years. Premium Health is a Registered Training Organisation specialising in the provision of CPR, first aid and emergency management training to corporate clients across Australia. Thomas is responsible for training and curriculum design, delivery and quality. He leads a team of 35 highly skilled trainers, all with qualifications and frontline experience as paramedics and nurses who deliver training in first aid and health care to over 45,000 people per year.

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Karen Oldaker, General Manager – Wellbeing & Community at Medibank speaks on ‘Reframing the paradigm of wellbeing’.

Karen Oldaker, General Manager – Wellbeing & Community at Medibank spoke to delegates at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Reframing the paradigm of wellbeing’. Wellbeing is no longer the soft and fluffy arm of EHS and HR. The cost of non-work related injury and illness continues to rise with the impacts of preventable disease impacting our workplaces and people at rapid rate. Karen highlighted that as EHS professionals, we need to reframe the paradigm of wellbeing strategies and programs from one that focuses on fixing broken people to one that builds on the strengths and individuality of our employees, supported by the physical environment, policies, leadership and purpose. Some of the key topics covered were: Mind, Body, Purpose and Place – an integrated approach; Inclusive workplaces –  the foundation of wellbeing; Leadership – the criticality of trust and authenticity to workplace wellbeing; and Measurement – employee wellbeing is the cornerstone of engagement.

Karen has had many years of experience in the field of organisation Health and Wellbeing with a strong background in the development and delivery of integrated Strategies and programs. Karen’s current role as GM Wellbeing and Community provides a unique opportunity to integrate corporate programs across multiple disciplines and divisions within the organisation including Safety, Injury Management and Workplace Relations. Further to this, having recently expanded her portfolio to include Corporate Social Responsibility at Medibank, Karen’s key objective is bring Medibank’s purpose ‘For ‘Better Health’ to life both internally for employees and externally in the community.

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Matthew May, Head of Sales & Operations Australia at dorsaVi hosts a workshop on ‘Wearable Sensor Technology – Improving Workplace Safety’.

Matthew May, Head of Sales & Operations Australia at dorsaVi hosted a workshop at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘Wearable Sensor Technology – Improving Workplace Safety’. This session allowed delegates to get hands-on with dorsaVi’s revolutionary wearable sensor technology which is being used by leading companies globally to minimise the risk of workplace injuries, improve productivity and make expensive manual handling aid purchase decisions. In this session, Matthew May and Sarah Riseley from dorsaVi also shared details of how the technology works, they discussed real life examples from Heathrow Airport, Coles, Monash Health and others. Delegates also had the opportunity to see how the sensor technology collects data and feedback in real-time.

Matthew’s experience is both broad and varied, encompassing all customer and operational aspects of multi-site ASX listed service orientated businesses. He has 5+ years’ experience working clinically as a physiotherapist in private practice, before managing company owned physiotherapy clinics and a network of franchisees under the banner of a large national provider. Matthew has 10+ years’ experience working for an ASX listed national provider of workplace health and injury management services consulting to large corporates’, government organization’s and insuring agents providing a range of injury prevention and injury management services. He has 10+ years’ experience as a leader of operational, account management and customer sales teams with full P&L accountability.

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