


    Keynote Discussion – Leadership for Today’s 24/7 Safety Problems

    Don Wilson, Vice President – SafeStart


    Since the vast majority of injuries and accidental deaths occur outside the workplace, many organizations are trying to determine how their current safety management system will protect their employees 24/7. For most companies, the cost of off-the-job injuries is higher than on the job, and command and control strategies have had little positive effect.
    Employees need to be introduced to practical tools that can be used every day to reduce injuries both on and off the job.
    This session explored how you can recognize the repeated critical errors that are made in virtually all injuries and drastically reduce injuries 24/7.


    Over 25 years of experience in Instructional Design, Vocational Education, E-Learning, Industrial Education and Health & Safety Training. Motivational speaking on 24/7 safety, 24/7 safety concepts and Leading SafeStart 24/7 concepts.

    As a motivational speaker on 24/7 safety and 24/7 safety concepts, Don has been a frequent presenter at Corporate Health & Safety Meetings, as well as NSC, ASSE and VPPPA conferences at both the national and local level. He has also presented briefings on 24/7 safety to the leadership of all branches of the U.S. armed services at the Pentagon, and has taught classes on various subjects at safety schools and organizations across North America and in many other countries around the world. Earnings from speaking engagements go to Room to Read and ASSE, two organizations that provide educational and financial support to students around the world.