Interview – Dianna Taylors, General Manager Technology, NZ Racing Board
Dianna Taylor currently works for the NZ Racing Board as GM Technology, this is a new sector for her and provides plenty of new and similar technology challenges across a large and complex business.
Prior to this she has gained over 20 years’ experience in the banking and financial services industry, most recently working as Chief Information Officer at Kiwibank. While at Kiwibank, Dianna led the consolidation and streamlining of Kiwibank’s operational banking functions, headed the development of the strategic technology road-map that underpins Kiwibank’s strategy, and as CIO was accountable for enabling Kiwibank to continue to deliver its strategic business objectives, which are heavily predicated on technology deliverables.
Dianna has also worked for IAG New Zealand, ANZ, and Techtonics Group in a number of technology-related roles, including Head of Service & Operations for ANZ’s National Financial Group, and Manager, Infrastructure and Operations for IAG.
Outside of work Dianna is a passionate fitness enthusiast, competing in multi-sport events in New Zealand and internationally.
What do you feel are the biggest challenges IT leaders are currently faced with within their business?
I believe the biggest challenge is our ability to ‘adapt’, and keep pace with not only the speed of technology changes but also the business’s need to pivot and for us to support them.
As an IT leader, what do you feel businesses continue to get wrong when it comes to their IT strategy?
I feel that the business often have the right intention and aspiration which form a solid strategy however their ability to understand or rather empathise with current state challenges is limited and they are easily distracted with new shiny offerings frequently which means they don’t stick to their own plans/strategic road-maps.
What are the latest trends and behaviours you predict will be surfacing on the market over the coming 12 months?
I believe that ‘diversity and inclusion’ will really become something we need to focus on and not just an management metric that we report on. We still have a very middle aged male dominated industry – if we don’t disrupt this it will be disrupted.
What is the best piece of advice you have received within your job over the years?
Success is not what you celebrate today it is the foundations you lay while you are their that others build on that is the true mark of success.