


    The stage is set for the 2017 CISO Leaders Summit Australia, Melbourne

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    14th February 2017 – Media Corp International are pleased to announce the CISO Leaders Summit Australia (Melbourne) is in its final stages of registration, register your interest to ensure your seat at this prestigious event.

    Media Corp International who hosts the CISO Leaders Summit Australia (Melbourne) have been working to bring together the top IT Security executives from around Australia to discuss and debate the current trends, challenges and solutions facing the IT Security industry within Australia. “We are really excited about the 2017 CIO Leaders Summit and from the incredible response and feedback we have had from delegates, sponsors and partners about the calibre of the program in place, we are in for a great event” said Media Corp International CEO, Tyron McGurgan.

    Among the guests are a specialist list of speakers including Stuart Mort – Director of Cybersecurity, Optus; Ian Gibson – Chief Information Officer, Superchoice Services; Anthony Lim – Director Asia Pacific, Cloud Security Alliance; Brian Hay – General Manager, Cybersecurity (Former Detective Superintendent QLD Police Service); and Syed Asghar – Information Security and Governance Manager, Vodafone Australia.

    The CISO Leaders Summit Australia (Melbourne) will bring together over 60 Chief Information Security Officers and Head’s of Information Security from some of the largest organisations in Australia including ANZ, Australian Federal Police, Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, Australian Unity, Bank of Queensland, Brookfield Multiplex, Coca-Cola Amatil, Coles Financial Services, Colonial First State Investments, Dairy Australia, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Dulux Group, GE Capital, GE Energy, General Motors, GM Holden, Ingham’s Enterprises, Johnson & Johnson, KPMG, Macquarie University, NBN, News Corp Australia, Optus, Tabcorp, Target, Telstra, UBS Bank, UniSuper, Vanguard, Victoria University, VISA, Vodafone and Youi Insurance just to name a few.

    For more information about the CISO Leaders Summit Australia (Melbourne) please register your interest at

    CISO Leaders Summit Australia – Thursday 16 February 2017, Melbourne




    For all media enquiries please contact:

    Ivana Roberts – Marketing Director, Media Corp International


    P: +61 (0) 421 055 326