Mobilising the Enterprise
Peter Kakasi, JAPAC Chrome and Android for Work Technical Lead provided the Keynote Presentation, “Mobilising The Enterprise – Change The Way You Work Or Be Left Behind” at the FSI Leaders Summit 2015, Day 2.

Work is changing. With mobile technology reinventing even the most traditional of industries. Organisations must adapt and rethink the way they do things or risk getting left behind. John spoke about what ‘mobility’ means in the modern world, helping businesses challenge the old way of working and help bring a more intelligent and connected way of working to life.
In today’s always on 24/7 landscape it is imperative that employees have the tools they need to be as efficient and as productive as possible, especially as traditional financial institutions are being challenged by younger, more nimble players that are entering the market. John talked about how financial institutions can remove the shackles of the old world and embrace technology that will transform business operations. He explained how new technologies can provide employees with new efficiencies, collaboration and productivity tools that will bring flexibility to the goliaths of the financial world.

Peter Kakasi is a technical evangelist for Google Chrome and Android across Asia Pacific. Peter has 10 years’ experience helping businesses think differently around their cloud strategy & related device choices, getting the web working harder for them and driving cost savings and productivity benefits. He focuses on leveraging the various Google platforms including Chrome and Android for Work to help businesses innovate like never before.