


    Why You Need A Smart Multi-Experience Digital Strategy. Now. The digital experience of your business matters – is it consistent and engaging?

    10th August, Singapore

    Virtual Event Series

    Hosted By

    Date:Tuesday, 10th August 2021

    Time: 10:00am – 11:00am (SGT)



    Synopsis and overview of the session

    In a rapidly evolving digital environment, businesses have a myriad of ways to connect and interact with customers. From mobile to conversational and interactive apps, enterprises are increasingly relying on technology that can meet consumers where they are. In order to build these apps, businesses need a low-code application development platform for professional developers that delivers multi-experience apps out of the box. The game-changer is the “build once and deploy across multiple touches” approach.

    The objective is always to deliver better services, enable self-service, sell something, build better relationships, or help their constituents achieve an outcome. With multiple digital touchpoints and outcomes, delivering a consistent brand experience across all channels is key. This landscape is continually shifting to meet the needs of the business, the competition and the consumer. That means any IT investment needs to be agile, provide cutting edge tools, and must be proven to scale from hundreds to millions of users.
    As Gartner notes, “By 2023, more than 25% of the mobile apps, progressive web apps and conversational apps at large enterprises will be built and/or run through a multi-experience development platform (MXDP).”

    Focus Network in partnership with HCL Software is hosting an exclusive virtual roundtable event, bringing leading digital transformation executives to discuss the topic of Why You Need A Smart Multiexperience Digital Strategy. Now., with a handful of senior executives in an informal, roundtable lunch event setting from which you will emerge with new strategies and solutions you can immediately put to work.



    Anthony Holmes, Regional Technical Director, Digital Solutions, HCL Software

    Anthony Holmes serves as the APAC Regional Technical Director, Digital Solutions at HCL Software and has worked with Business Stakeholders, IT Architects and IT Specialists to use technology to craft solutions that help people collaborate better. Always conscious of meeting the needs of the end user, he’s committed to help teams to envisage and rapidly develop and implement solutions that are secure, cost effective and useful.


    Andrew Milroy

    Andrew Milroy, Founder, Veqtor8

    Andrew Milroy is the founder of Veqtor8, a digital risk advisory firm, based in Singapore. His work involves empowering organisations to manage risk more effectively.

    He is a well-known technology thought leader and speaker in the APAC region. Since moving to Singapore in 2011, he has held regional leadership roles with Frost & Sullivan, IDC, Nelson-Hall and Ovum (now Omdia). These roles have also given him the opportunity to live and work in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.

    He has been providing advisory services relating to cybersecurity for over 20 years. In his 10 years at Frost & Sullivan, Andrew grew the technology business into one of APAC’s leading sources of cybersecurity research and consulting services. Andrew works closely with leading buyers and vendors of cybersecurity products and services. Andrew is frequently invited to speak, chair and moderate at major technology events. He is also widely quoted in the press and often appears on broadcast media, including BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg and Channel News Asia.

    About HCL Software

    HCL Software is a division of HCL Technologies (HCL) that operates its primary software business. It develops, markets, sells, and supports over 20 product families in the areas of DevSecOps, Automation, Digital Solutions, Data Management, Marketing and Commerce, and Mainframes.

    HCL Software has offices and labs around the world to serve thousands of customers.

    Its mission is to drive ultimate customer success with their IT investments through relentless innovation of its products.


    Herb Kersten headshot

    Herb Kersten, Regional Director HCL Digital Solutions, ANZ, HCL Software

    Herb Kersten serves as Regional Sales Director (Aust/NZ) for the HCL Digital Solutions product portfolio. Based in Melbourne, he brings 21 years of enterprise software experience, and in his previous role often ranked in the top five Account Executives globally.

    His specialisation is low-code, rapid application development platforms, and is often sought out by USA hedge funds seeking independent advice in this fast-growing area. He is passionate about digital transformation and the use of low-code rapid application development to help clients bring greater efficiency and dramatic cost-effectiveness to an otherwise wasteful, old-fashioned software development cycle.

    Agenda at a glance

    3:30 pm – 4:00 pm – Registration & networking

    4.00 pm – 4.05pm – Welcome address

    4.05 pm – 5.15pm – 3 course lunch served4.05 pm – 4.45pm – Embracing disruption in the financial services industry: A Privacy versus Security conundrum – Amanda Chan, BlackBerry

    4.45 pm – 5.15pm – Demo

    5.15pm – 5.45pm – Discussion

    5.45 pm – 6pm – Closing remarks

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