Interview – Syed Ahmad Nazri Sheik Nor, Head of IT, HRSB Holdings

Syed Ahmad Nazri Bin Sheik Nor is a young IT leader in HRSB Holdings Sdn. Bhd. and has more than 5 years of experience in the IT field. He got started in the company in January 2019 as an IT Executive and his .role is to transform the company towards Digital Transformation. Alongside, Syed has developed several services and systems such as File Server, Virtual Private Network (connecting all branches network), a new firewall system, multi-wan solution, new network infrastructure, a new modular website, new online assets management and he is doing all these alone in a 3 month period and was promoted as Head of IT at the end of March, 2019.
Previously, in 2013, Syed was a top 10 finalists from 1000 participants for the Malaysian Skills Competition 2013 in IT Network System Administration (now known as WorldSkills Malaysia Belia) which is a skill competition held annually aimed at recognizing trainees and skilled workers with superior skills.
Q. What do you feel are the biggest challenges IT leaders are currently faced with within their business?
A: I feel the biggest challenge IT leaders are faced in their business is Data Management from external and internal cyber threats and to inform all employees about cyber awareness.
Q. As an IT leader, what do you feel businesses continue to get wrong when it comes to their marketing strategy?
A: From my perspective, I feel that the lack of use of the latest marketing technologies to analyze data from analytics will make business marketing go backward.
Q. What are the latest trends and behaviours you predict will be surfacing on the market over the coming 12 months?
A. My prediction of the future that will be surfacing on the market is:
– IoT Products that automate the process of many things around us.
– Rise of modular products such as desktop or smartphone.
– Cloud-Based Operating System.
Q. What is the best piece of advice you have received within your job over the years?
A: The best piece of advice I’ve received within my job is from my Executive Chairman himself who gave me this quote from Steve Jobs” It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do, we hire smart people so they can tell us what to ”