Power Skills: Do OHS and Operational Leaders Have the Skills to Influence Intergenerational Teams and Shape the Future of High-Risk Work?

Jen Jackson, Chief Visionary Officer, Everday Massive

How does OHS continue to assert its relevance in an operational environment where multiple generations work side-by-side? How do teams and Operational Leaders support an aging workforce, relate to younger teams, address psychosocial risks and foster psychological safety? OHS teams are adding a suite of ‘power skills’ to their toolkit to ensure they have the knowledge and the know-how to influence and motivate teams and support psychological safety across multigenerational workforces.

In this highly engaging presentation, Everyday Massive will:

  • explain what power skills are and why they’re important in work and life
  • discuss the skills that underpin the ability to foster psychological safety
  • share what the most sought after power skills are for WHS teams and Operational Leaders and take delegates through a live showcase of power skills programs that are being delivered in high risk industries around the world.