Social Media and Behavioral Influence for Safety Management for a 4400% increase in proactive reporting

Wesley Witt is currently the director of the quality management and environmental health & safety for Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Service North America.  Wesley has more than 12 years in the energy service industry in quality and safety management from the project level to executive management.  Wesley has been implementing human performance and resilience engineering practices into Siemens energy service operations in 2008.  Wesley has a patent pending with Siemens for a Resilience Management System process to manage risk and error likely situations to reduce safety and quality loss to organizations.  Wesley has authored several articles on resilience engineering and human performance practices and received his master’s degree in Safety, Security and Emergency Management from Eastern Kentucky University. 


One of the many challenges in safety management today is how to influence culture, safe actions, and decision making in an open loop system with employees spread across the country.  Basically, the challenge is how do we get people to make the lower risk decision when nobody is looking and free will is the biggest influence in the room. This means effectively influencing employees to act with the core values and expectations communicated to them from their leadership when they have the choice to take safe action or look the other way.  The key is utilizing a page from the playbook of social media platforms and consumer influence and apply this to safety management to influence behavior and decision making.  If Starbucks can influence millions of people to stop for a coffee because they watched their friend check into Starbucks on Facebook, then we can use the same concept to drive employees to take safe actions to mitigate risks or hazards with social influence.

The Social Media Platform Challenge

Safety and safe behavior is influenced by many variables such as individual training, personal values, professional ethics, education and social systems and management systems that influence decision making.  On a simple level, individual’s choices are largely influenced on our core values, but external influence has a substantial impact on decision making.  Marketers have used this understanding for years to drive market behavior.  Coca Cola is good example as they have spent countless millions in advertising to keep their brand in front of people using television so that when someone is thirsty, hopefully they think of Coca Cola.  Facebook is the latest evolution of marketing with the utilization of attention people place on their social media platform.  When you friend checks into Starbucks suddenly you see an ad for Starbucks pop up on your feed.  Starbucks runs those ads with the hope that you are seeing your friends with their product and it might influence you to try the same.  The subtle social peer pressure drives consumer behavior.  If all off this can be done with consumer behavior to influence you to buy a product can this be accomplished to drive other behaviors?  Can we use the concepts of social media marketing to socially influence decision making to influence a person to make a safer lower risk option?  Not only is the answer yes but it has been done and we have over 3 years of operational experience doing this to prove the theory is not just a theory but a fact.


The problem in safety management influencing human behavior to make risk decisions can be solved with the same concepts used to by social media marketers to drive consumer behavior.  The current methodologies for safety management are stale and have not kept up with other concepts of influencing human behavior.  The solution is simple to implement but the consequences is lost opportunity to be proactive and bring safety management into the digital age to reduce incidents and save lives through smart technology and intelligent design with the human brain in mind.


This paper will provide a basic understanding of human decision making and social influence to impact human behavior.  The understanding of how social media is shaping consumer behavior and social behavior will be explained in this study.  The paper will relate how this has been done to improve safety within a large organization with continued results for almost three years to prove theory is not a theory but fact.


After reading this study the reader will have the tools and information to create their own simple social media platform for safety management.  They will understand how to utilize the platform to influence behavior, individual choices and safe actions to proactively reduce incidents.


The Process


We designed and implemented a social media platform for a SGRE a company with more than 700 employees based across the country.  The social media platform influenced safe choices by employees to drive them to use specific human performance tools and risk mitigation management systems.  The use of the platform became a two-way communication system that allowed real time feedback from all employees back to the management team to identify and mitigate at risk conditions and error likely situations to prevent incidents.  The social media platform was used to direct the actions of the employees and receive feedback to create a fully integrated social system designed to influence behavior based on the concepts of social media platforms, social influence and the understanding of how to influence individual choices and decision making.  This process is the most innovative safety system in the industry. The process consisted of creating an online survey in the form of a mobile app for proactive safety observations.

  • Technicians are trained on what a proactive observation is and how to enter the information into the system.
  • The employees are incentivized to enter observations as part of their financial safety incentives to create safe actions and mitigate the risk of their everyday tasks.
  • A communication plan is implemented to drive priority of entering observations and provide risk information from previous incidents.
  • Once a critical mass is reached in the observation system then the observations are switched to targeted observations directed by the leadership team to drive all employees to observe and mitigate specific at-risk conditions and error likely situations.
  • The targeted observations now have all technicians focused on the same at-risk condition or behavior to eradicate the issue before an incident occurs.


The Results


The results of this study over approximately a 2 year period was increased reporting, increased organizational learning, increased risk mitigation, and the reduction in total recordable incident rate.

  • TRIR from 3.46 to 1.0 in 2 years
  • 4400% increase in proactive reporting over 2 years from 450 observations year one to over 20 thousand.
  • 66% reduction in reactive incidents
  • Some individual sites did not have a recordable incident for almost 2 years
  • In addition to the improvement in safety there was an increase in quality and efficiency leading to overall performance improvement
  • Increased employee and customer satisfaction


Siemens Gamesa is a leading supplier of wind power solutions to customers all over the globe. A key player and innovative pioneer in the renewable energy sector, we have installed products and technology in more than 90 countries, with a total capacity base of over 84 GW and 25,000 employees.

Leading and Lagging Indicators: How to Measure Workplace Safety to Reduce Workplace Incidents


How do you measure safety in your workplace to enhance performance and reduce employee downtime? There are several tested methods that Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) leaders use to reduce employee incidents and illnesses. Among the leading methods, which this white paper discusses, are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)–or leading and lagging indicators. Leading indicators are pre-incident measurements, as opposed to lagging indicators, which are measurements collected after an incident occurs. For example, a slip and fall incident from stray construction materials is a lagging indicator because the incident has already occurred, but an inspection that notes the poor quality of the surrounding area and prevents a future slip and fall from taking place is a leading indicator. A key component of leading indicators is that they measure safety events or behaviors that precede incidents and have a predictive quality.

By measuring leading indicators including conditions, events and sequences that precede and lead up to accidents, these KPIs have value in predicting the arrival of an event and can provide the opportunity to introduce control measures to stop the event from happening.

Recently, many articles have stressed the importance of looking beyond lagging indicators, but then how can your organization learn from past incidents and track results? By combining incident measurement and training management software, your company or organization can adopt a holistic approach to reducing workplace incidents and meeting Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards.

Both leading and lagging indicators can be relevant to workplace safety and worth measuring. They present important aspects of an overall safety management system. We have to use all the tools available to us to create an environment that drives us to a zero-incident job site.

Selecting and Using the Right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Your Organization

Attempting to track complex data analytics and results, train employees and keep your team safe on your own can be dicult tasks to handle. Leading and lagging indicators can help reduce and prevent incidents. One way EHS leaders begin using KPIs is by selecting the
appropriate sets for their organization.

Lagging Indicators

  • OSHA recordable injuries
  • OSHA citations
  • OSHA recordable-case rate
  • DART-case rate
  • Fatality rate
  • Worker compensation claims
  • Experience modification rate


Leading Indicators

  • Near misses
  • Behavioral observations
  • Training records
  • Department safety meetings
  • Employee-perception surveys
  • Trainee scores on post-training quizzes
  • Preventive-maintenance programs


When trying to pinpoint the indicator type essential for your organization–understand that both are essential. Leading indicators are like a car windshield, and lagging indicators are like the rearview mirror. You’ll certainly spend more time looking out the windshield to see what’s coming–with leading indicators–than looking in your rearview mirror to see where you’ve been–with lagging indicators. Look at your company and see how you can start moving forward–toward a culture of safety–rather than looking behind.

Within the leading and lagging indicator types, there are eight important characteristics that KPIs should have. Ensure that you follow this guideline when selecting the ones important for your workplace.

1. Actionable–metrics that have measurable steps
2. Achievable–setting goals that are obtainable
3. Meaningful–obtaining information for continued tracking
4. Transparent–metrics that are clearly understandable
5. Easy–to communicate effectively
6. Valid–relevant to the organization’s objectives
7. Useful–metrics that are beneficial to the organization’s safety goals
8. Timely–distributing information that is still relevant to the organization

Once you select your set of indicators and follow the necessary characteristics, it’s important to track how well they are working and be flexible if the set needs to be revised for consistent improvement.

Why Leading and Lagging Indicators Are Important: Rising OSHA Regulations & Safety Trends

Each year brings about new regulations and carries over existing regulations that companies must abide by. Thus, it’s important to stay on top of ever-evolving regulatory trends so you don’t risk non-compliance. Use the leading and lagging indicator system to help with the following key OSHA regulations and safety trends.

Overview of the Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica Rule
OSHA’s final rule aims to reduce the risk of lung cancer, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidney disease in America’s workers by limiting their exposure to respirable crystalline silica. The rule is comprised of two standards, one for Construction and one for General Industry and Maritime. Responsible employers have been protecting employees from the harmful substance for years, but now it’s becoming mandatory. Here are some of the rule requirements:

  • Reduces the permissible exposure limit for silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air
  • Requires employers to: use engineering controls to limit worker exposure; provide respirators when engineering controls cannot adequately limit exposure; develop a written exposure control plan, and train workers on silica risks and how to limit exposures
  • Provides medical exams to monitor highly exposed workers and gives them information
    about their lung health


Overview of OSHA Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses Rule
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports more than three million workers suffer from a workplace injury or illness every year. Currently, little or no information about worker injuries and illnesses is made public or available to OSHA. With this new rule, employers are required to submit a record of the injuries and illnesses to OSHA to help them with identifying hazards and fixing problems. Here are the rule requirements:

  • Establishments with 250 or more employees must *electronically submit injury and illness
    information from OSHA forms 300, 300A and 301 (300 & 301 starting in 2018)
  • Establishments with 20-249 employees in high-risk industries must submit information from OSHA form 300A


Trend #1: Dealing with Workplace Stress

The National Institute of Occupational Safety And Health emphasizes that work-related stress disorders are expected to rise as the economy continues to undergo various shifts and impacts. Therefore, companies should take steps to ensure that any current programs are robust enough to reduce the concerns associated with stress in the workplace, as well as implement any new programs that show an increased effectiveness at reducing the generation of stress.

Trend #2: Leveraging Risk Management
2017 saw a continued trend in developing internal risk management programs and systems, and 2018 into 2019 looks to be the year where many of these programs are leveraged for results across the company spectrum. In other words, sufficient time has occurred for the internal development of risk management data and effectiveness that this can now be translated directly into specific areas of the business to further reduce inherent risk development within the company.

Trend #3: Increased Reliance on Predictive Analytics
A new trend becoming prominent in 2018 is an increased reliance on predictive analytics. Many companies have been developing risk management and mitigation data and using analytics to help derive sense from this mountain of information. 2019 looks to be the year where many of these are put into practice company-wide. In addition, the trend of emphasizing the use of these predictive analytics is expected to rise as much of this information is refined even further. This should begin to show positive returns for companies that have been implementing this predictive technology as part of a risk management profile. However, there is still time to take advantage of these systems for those companies that have not implemented these types of analytics.

Trend #4: More Regulatory Changes
There are few that doubt that more regulatory and legislative changes are expected in 2018. While many differences continue to grow between national policy and those enacted on the state and local level, few can predict what the specific changes will actually be. However, what is an almost certainty is that for companies, flexibility will be necessary in order to adapt to the new policies to come.

Models and Methods for Using Leading and Lagging Indicators: A Contextual and Visual Guide

Various proven, yet antiquated and manual, methods have been used for measuring KPIs, such as those discussed in the report, A Method for Modeling of KPIs Enabling Validation of Their Properties. The authors cover two techniques workplaces use to track KPIs.

The first model integrates the following attributes for tracking performance: indicator name, type, scale, source, owner and threshold. Though, it is not easy to find all of this information so EHS experts often rely on documentation, expert knowledge and previous conceptual models.


The second model used for KPI formalization is known as performance indicator expression. It is “a mathematical statement over a performance indicator evaluated to a numerical, qualitative”. In other words, a given value for a time point, for the organization, unit or agent. The authors suggest specifying the required values of performance indicators as constraints coming from goals. The relations between performance indicators are modeled using predicates.

The third model used by EHS professionals and safety teams is known as the Heinrich Pyramid–a traditional way of tracking occupational illnesses and injuries.

The Heinrich Pyramid (also known as the Safety Triangle) quantifies the number of reported workplace incidents into four main categories: major injuries, severe accidents, first aid cases and near misses. Employee concern reports, safety observations and at-risk observations can also be added to the base of the triangle to incorporate leading indicators into the analysis.

This is a 1-10-30-600 model. For every 1 incident reported in the major injury category, severe accidents are 10 times as likely to happen. Also, for every 1 major injury, approximately 30 first aid cases, and 600 near misses.

When companies plug their own incidents into this model or pyramid, they can see if they have the corresponding model ratio, as described above, and if they have a significant amount of major and severe incidents. The premise for this model is that the more companies focus on reducing the numbers at the bottom of the pyramid, the more likely they are to reduce major safety incidents at the top.

The pyramid is inclusive of many types of injuries and incidents, but it doesn’t assist EHS professionals with narrowing down the data to the critical cases/accidents, root causes and solutions. For example, a site could have a series of cases that stem from ergonomic-related issues and spend significant amounts of time on root cause and trend analysis instead of the cases/accident that have a high potential to result in an employee fatality or significant property damage.

Critics of the Heinrich Pyramid also claim that “adhering to it can lead to an over-emphasis on worker behavior and not enough attention on health and safety management software systems.” No matter the flaws, there is always a solution to the system. These methods are used to benefit companies’ safety success rates and business performance objectives. The methods can be adapted to any enterprise modeling approach. Companies can apply these measures of thinking into a conventional and modernized process by integrating EHS management software into their workplace as discovered in the following section.

A Gensuite Solution: Implementing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Into Your Workplace

To simplify and digitize the three models and methods discussed above, companies turn to compliance and management software systems such as Gensuite. Such systems enhance workplace safety performance by simplifying the tracking of leading and lagging indicators. Utilize Gensuite EHS software tailored to measure KPIs and manage training compliance. Just a few of Gensuite’s specialized features of these tools include:

  • Framework for managing regulatory and program-specific training requirements.
  • Validate training effectiveness through course-specific e-quizzes
  • Incident investigation, root cause analysis, corrective and preventive action tracking
  • Integrate with occupational health, medical and computer systems for case tracking and program visibility


What makes this important right now? Why should your business invest? Other than avoiding everyday safety violations and reoccurring workplace injuries, investing will help you meet current and upcoming OSHA regulations. Here’s a look at customizable Gensuite applications.

Incidents & Measurements
The Gensuite Incidents & Measurements application can help you address the new regulation by enabling one-click generation of a site/business OSHA 300, 300A, and 301 forms. In addition, Gensuite joins ongoing discussions with subscribers and industry groups to meet with OSHA to talk through options for direct system integrations, thus removing the need for sites to manually generate logs and input them into OSHA’s website.

Other benefits of the Gensuite Incidents & Measurements application:

  • Tracking of hours worked and sites recordable rates
  • Monitoring site performance on a monthly/quarterly basis through auto-generated site metric reports
  • Instant system-generated email notifications upon entry/modification of incidents so site-leadership stays up-to-date


Training Compliance
The Gensuite Training Compliance suite can help you address both new OSHA regulations by keeping your employees up-to-date with OSHA’s mandatory training requirements. In addition, training employees prevent new and future injuries from occurring, so you don’t have to evaluate progress based on how many employees have been severely injured and how that number has improved. Prevent them from happening in the first place.

Other benefits of the Gensuite Training Compliance application:

  • Establish a framework for managing regulatory and program-specific training requirements, alert training leaders of new and transferred employees for training needs assessment
  • Integrate automatic updates from HR systems, offer multiple training instruction types to engage employees in classroom and e-learning training; integrated training calendar solution for session scheduling, provide employees with access to a diverse library of pre-loaded training content licensed from leading providers such as RedVector®, SkillSoft®, PureSafety®
  • Validate training effectiveness through course-specific e-quizzes; log completions through online, bar-coding, Mobile & batch upload
  • Identify qualified employees by task based on training completion status

Plan now for the program changes needed! Contact Gensuite today to know more about how we can help you meet mandatory regulations and track KPIs. Look to Key Performance Indicators so your business can avoid safety violations and injuries. Who doesn’t want the satisfaction of being a part of a workplace that has been accident and incident free for 90 days (or more)?


Now you have the tools you need to enhance your workplace safety performance. After reading this white paper, you should be able to select the right KPIs for your organization, understand the models and methods for using leading and lagging indicators and lastly integrate Gensuite software solutions into your workplace to track leading and lagging indicators. Let Gensuite be your guide to a safer workplace.

Mental Health Strategy: a case study, with Emma Blee from Australia Post

My guest Emma Blee spends her working hours at Australia Post, Australia’s national postal service. In her role as Head of Enterprise Safety, Emma is the architect of her organisation’s mental health strategy, which she will be speaking about at the 2018 EHS Leaders Summit which is being held on the 7th and 8th March in the Gold Coast. The EHS Leaders Summit is the place for senior EHS leaders to get a unique combination of standout speakers, industry thought leaders, networking and personalised meetings with the leading suppliers of EHS products and services, meaning you can leverage the best of what’s out there to help your EHS program succeed. Visit to find out more and get your seat – spots are limited.

Let get started, here’s Emma:

You have told me loud and clear that learning more about mental health is something that you want, and need to become a more effective EHS professional. So I hope that this episode continues to support you to grow and improve. A few other episodes focussed on mental health and psychology that you might enjoy are Ep53, Getting started on your mental health program with Jay Spence, Ep37 on psychological safety with Tim Austin, Ep39 on psychosocial risk being the elephant in the room and ep 40 with Cat Mattice, honing in on the issue and the opportunity surrounding bullying. Check out all those episodes and more at You can also sign up for our free interview notes – I give you my handwritten notes from each chat, along with a reflection worksheet to help you boost what you learn and take action from in each episode. All of that is at

My three takeaways from that chat with Emma Blee:

  1. Have a strategy! It doesn’t matter whether you are massive like Aus Post or a small business, strategy is simple another word for ‘I know what I want to achieve and how I’m going to get it’.  Emma said before their strategy they had an Employee Assistance Program, and did some training – but who knows how they will help if there isn’t a clear intent, a clear strategy?I know of no better place to get guidance on your strategy than, which will step you through the process.
  2. It takes time, don’t be impatient.  It was 4 years in the making, just for Aus Post to really get started.  We will successfully overwhelm ourselves and the leaders we are trying to serve if we try and do too much, too fast.  Your strategy must be realistic, so focus on the things that will give you the most benefit early, and leave it at that for the first year! If things go remarkably well, you can always revise and expand your strategy.  The opposite, being overly ambitious and falling short, doesn’t feel good or look good to anyone.
  3. Remember the humans.  Emma shared the human side of their efforts with the feedback received from real people, having real conversations, because of the efforts of the strategy she is leading.  Emma’s four strategy pillars of measurement, policies & procedures, education & training, and support processes all sound very logical and corporate – because that’s the environment she works in.  But it doesn’t forget the humans, and I hope you don’t either in your new mental health strategy.

Until next time, what’s the one thing you’ll do to take positive, effective or rewarding action, to grow yourself, and drastically improve health and safety along the way.  Seeya!


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