



    Information for Sponsors/Exhibitors

    Focus Network is closely monitoring the ongoing advice and guidance regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Australian Government and local health authorities.

    The health and safety of our staff, sponsors and delegates is our priority and we are committed to deliver a great event in a well-managed and safe environment.

    To ensure a safe event, we are following the local Government’s COVID recommendations.

    To help promote the safety of all attendees, the following measures in regards to hygiene and safe food practices will be adopted by the venue:

    • Implementation of sanitizing stations at high-touch points; event entrances, catering areas, stages, restrooms etc.
    • Additional cleaning services to ensure high-contact areas are being sanitized on a regular basis.
    • Cleaning of handrails, ledges, and other high-touch points.
    • Cleaning of registration desk/areas and any equipment used such as keyboards & touch screens (where applicable).
    • Replenishment of restroom consumables (soap/paper towels).
    • Cleaning of catering area tables and seating.
    • Cleaning of feature areas including the sanitization of microphones, lecterns and handheld microphones.
    • Installation of prominent health and hygiene signage requesting that all attendees clean their hands as they enter the event.
    • Promotion of public health and hygiene messaging shared with all attendees in pre-event communications. Messaging will state that if patrons are feeling unwell, they should refrain from attending the event and to seek medical advice.
    • Onsite First Aider and medical support as well as a dedicated isolation room if/when needed.
    • Track and trace forms to be completed upon entry if and when required.

    As further instructions become available, we will continue to update our guidelines.

    Recommendations for our sponsors/exhibitors during the event:

    • On your stand/exhibition table (where applicable) we suggest you consider implementing further measures to reduce risk for and amongst your team.
    • Where possible avoid physical greetings and contact (handshakes)
    • Encourage the regular washing of hands.
    • Avoid activities that could promote the transfer of germs such as communal confectionary bowls and lolly giveaways.
    • Ensure all surfaces and products being frequently touched are being wiped down regularly.
    • Have a supply of facemasks, tissues, sanitiser and disinfectant wipes available.
    • Ensure Focus Network is notified immediately if any member of your team feels unwell. If your staff is unwell, please ensure that they remain at home.

    Focus Network encourages all attendees to follow the recommendations of the World Health Organisation as standard to reduce exposure to and the transmission of COVID-19 Coronavirus including:

    • Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet.
    • When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – discard tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
    • Avoid handshaking and maintain distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever.
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. If you have a fever, cough and or difficulty breathing, please seek medical care.

    If you do not feel well, please do not travel and do not attend the event.

    In the instance you are presenting symptoms during the event, please notify a member of our team immediately who will then arrange medical assistance if needed and place you in a dedicated isolated room if required.

    Wearing a face mask is mandatory in some settings. Learn about when you need to wear a face mask, when you can remove it and who is exempt. More information on facemasks  here.

    ·     The Australian Government Department of Health are actively monitoring the COVID-19 and providing updates via their website:

    ·     Basic protective measures against the virus:

    ·     The Australian Government Department of Health’s recommendations guide:

    Alternatively, please call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

    We will keep you informed on any further developments as the event approaches. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

    We look forward to welcoming you to the upcoming event.

    The Focus Network Team

    For any questions or concerns please contact:

    Cristina HarrisEvents Director+61 2 8188 8501[email protected]