Speaking Session: Empowering Banpu Through AI: Enhancing Data and AI Capabilities for Business Goal

Kreecha Puphaiboon, Head of AI/ML, Banpu Public Company Limited

Discussions around technology inevitably include artificial intelligence (AI), considering its widespread prominence across diverse industries. AI has emerged as a pivotal topic that organizations can’t ignore. Banpu, a global energy company, operates across three core sectors: energy resources encompassing coal and gas, energy generation spanning conventional and renewable sources, and energy technology involving solutions like wind and solar, energy storage systems, and advanced energy technologies.

Our journey with AI reflects a comprehensive AI maturity framework, where we establish, evaluate, and sustain the business value tied to AI initiatives. To effectively adopt and grow with AI, several critical factors need to be addressed, including value, vision, data, systems, talent, and governance.

At Banpu, we recognize that AI is more than just a buzzword; it’s a transformative force that requires a strategic approach. By showcasing our experience, we aim to shed light on how AI can be harnessed to create real value across different facets of Banpu business goals and operations.