Interview – Kurt Bergmans, Head of Global IT Service Operations, BP

Kurt Bergmans is a senior executive with over 20 years in international IT management and roles ranging from COO to global programme director and currently Head of global IT Service Operations at BP.
Kurt has a successful track record in managing multi-million euro IT contracts for international clients including Shell, ExxonMobil, Baker Hughes, Merck, Malaysia Airlines, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Johnson &Johnson, BASF, and Dell.
During this exclusive interview, Kurt discussed his view on the challenges facing IT Leaders today, current industry trends and insights into successful IT strategies.
Interviewer: “What do you feel are the biggest challenges IT leaders are currently faced with within their business?”
Kurt: “The pace at which change is happening within our industry due to new digital business models makes it very challenging for IT to keep up with digital transformation. It requires us to be fast in learning new technologies and agile in delivering new IT services and products that meet the business demand.”
Interviewer: “As an IT leader, what do you feel businesses continue to get wrong when it comes to their IT strategy?”
Kurt: “Businesses who still see IT as a cost centre will have a hard time dealing with digital transformation. IT is and should be at the core of business operations and business strategy as an enabler to transform the way your business interacts with clients and suppliers and how it brings new services to the market.”
Interviewer: “What are the latest trends and behaviours you predict will be surfacing on the market over the coming 12 months?
Kurt: “A hybrid between human and machine, where Artificial Intelligence and Automation will change the way employees operate. Mundane activities will be automated, and employees will be able to provide more value by using data insights and analytics.”
Interviewer: “What is the best piece of advice you have received within your job over the years?
Kurt: “Get out of your comfort zone. Be eager to learn new skills and always challenge the status quo.”
Interviewer: “What is one key takeaway you hope our IT audience leaves with after hearing your presentation at the CIO Leaders Summit, Singapore?“
Kurt: “Digital Transformation is about changing the culture and organisational structure. You cannot transform the organisation if you stick to old processes, tools and ways of working.”