Keynote Panel Discussion – Workforce Dignity: the key to a strong, resilient workforce


Joshua Jones, Senior Director, Environmental Health Safety & Quality, Yusen Logistics
Randy Waskul, Global Director HSE, Birla Carbon
Kelly Dunn, Director of Safety, TranSystems


Jill James, Chief Safety Officer, HSI

In the past five years, Jill James has interviewed over 100 EHS professionals from around the world about their work, their successes, their challenges and what keeps them going.

The common thread in every conversation is how EHS professionals who recognize the dignity of human work transformed their workforce.

This panel discussion is not about the EHS hierarchy of controls, rather it’s a discussion of what is missing, what we weren’t formally taught: how to recognize the worthiness of work, one person, one department, one location at a time. Our panelists and facilitator will share best practices, lessons learned, and tips you can deploy immediately.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

― Maya Angelou