EHS Leaders Summit team releases the first round of speakers for upcoming EHS LEADERS SUMMIT, USA, 17th – 18th October 2018

The EHS Leaders team are proud to announce the first round of speakers taking part in the upcoming EHS Leaders Summit USA.

“The upcoming EHS Leaders Summit is shaping up to be the countries number 1 safety event for the most senior safety leaders to participate in over two days in October later this year. I’m very excited to announce the first round of speakers taking part in this upcoming event for the North American safety industry. Having ran similar safety platforms in other countries around the globe for the past 7 years, the team and I are very excited to now bring this amazing platform to the local safety community,” said Tyron McGurgan, CEO, Focus Network

We will continue to provide updates on speakers in the coming months, however, some of the speakers now confirmed for participation at this year’s event include:

David Loyd, Chief Safety Officer, NASA
Mike Lutomski – Chief Safety Officer, Space X
Bill Hilton, Head of Global Safety Services, Walt Disney World
Professor Patrick Hudson, Delft University and lead investigator in the BP Deep Water Horizon Catastrophe
Eric Knight, Global Sustainability and head of Safety, Health and Environment, AstraZeneca
Elizabeth Lay, Former Director Human Performance, Calpine
Robert Emery, Vice President for Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management, The University of Texas Health
Tiffany Felix, Vice President Global Corporate Services & Enterprise Risk, Oakwood Worldwide

Some of the topics being discussed via keynote presentations, roundtable sessions, workshops and panels at this year’s event include:

  • “Managing risks for the performers.” How is messaging delivered to the employees who are actively taking risks.
  • A look at “Possibility space” as a way of relating risk. A view on Safety II.
  • The evolving role of the safety professional and the interdepartmental collaboration with Environment, Sustainability and HR. Also the coaching and mentoring aspect of the role.
  • Using resilience engineering as opposed to traditional root cause analysis from a case study of an astronaut nearly drowning during a spacewalk.
  • Health and Safety’s role in mitigating insider threats.
  • A look at the role of being socially responsible for your workers as a safety leader rather than just being compliant with the basic standards.

About the EHS Leaders Summit:
The EHS Leaders Summit is invitation only and intended for North America’s most senior WHS Leaders to gather for a strategic two-day event in order to discuss the challenges currently facing the industry along with learning about new developments, legislation changes and new technologies and services from leading through strategic pre-arranged business meetings.

About Focus Network:
Focus Network organises business-to-business events across a range of industries throughout the globe. MCI brings senior decision makers together with suppliers and organises a series of roundtable discussions, face to face business meetings and keynote speaker sessions. These events give senior leaders across a range of major industries the opportunity to learn about the latest technology and service offerings along with understanding and exchanging ideas with their peers on relevant industry topics through targeted networking sessions.

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