Craig Bates, Managing Director and President at TQCSI hosted a roundtable discussion at the EHS Leaders Summit Australia on ‘EHS management systems and ISO 45001’. After ISO‘s failure to globally harmonise EHS in the 1990’s, countries were left to create their own standard, resulting in duplicated standards such as AS 4801 and OHSAS 18001, which are fundamentally the same. ISO has now revisited EHS and, after exhaustive consultation, the first international Standard is imminent. ISO 45001 will likely be published in early 2018 and it will be in the same format with common terminology as other management system standards. ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environmental) were published in 2015 and it will be relatively simple for organisations to integrate ISO 45001.
ISO 45001 is not prescriptive, its outcome based requiring an EHS management system which is risk based and facilitates compliance with local regulations. We expect ISO 45001 certification to rapidly become a requirement for organisations in most industries throughout the world. But what’s in ISO 45001? What sort of EHS management system will be required? How will this new standard affect your certification?
Craig is responsible for the strategic direction and ultimate success of TQCSI throughout the world, including the Company’s international growth and product development. He is a senior lead auditor in OHS, Quality, Environmental, Food Safety and Asset Management System Standards. As a member of the Australian Standards Committee for EHS (SF-001), he has an intimate knowledge and insight into the development of the International Standard for EHS (ISO 45001).
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