Keynote Presentation – Challenging Current Thinking Around Psychosocial Hazards

Roberto Garcia, Partner, EY

In recent years, the recognition of psychosocial hazards in the workplace has gained significant attention. These hazards, which include factors such as stress, bullying, and workload, pose substantial risks to employee safety and organisational productivity.

This session aims to challenge traditional perspectives on psychosocial hazards and propose an alternative taxonomy to better address these issues and support organisations to manage their psychosocial risks more effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Challenge traditional perspectives and redefine the way we think about psychosocial hazards.
  • Present a taxonomy that categorises psychosocial hazards in a more practical way for organisations to better address root causes.
  • Explore how this thinking can support organisations to develop tailored solutions that address specific organisational needs, contexts, resources, and people to mitigate psychosocial hazards effectively.