Leading Innovation for Business Value and Growth

The CIO Advisory Council has announced the Keynote Panel Discussion, “Leading Innovation for Business Value and Growth; The New CIO Value Proposition” to take place on Day 2 of the upcoming CIO Leaders Summit Australia, February 10 – 11. 

This panel discussion will examine real examples of the ways in which Chief Information Officers are increasingly taking the lead on innovation within their organisations and how CIO’s can influence, drive and innovate within their enterprise.

“As the role of the CIO continues to evolve…its important to recognise the leaders in which are driving this change and the decisions that they are making within their role. This discussion will encourage an open and honest conversation around how Australia’s key thought leaders are pushing the boundaries in order to stay ahead.” Tyron McGurgan, CEO Focus Network. 

If you are a CIO, Head of IT or key though leader with an innovative solution to offer Australia’s most Senior Technology Executives, please register your interest for the CIO Leaders Summit Australia here: www.cioleadersaustralia.com/summit-details/register-your-interest

About Focus Network:
Focus Network organises business to business events across a range of industries throughout Asia Pacific. MCI brings senior decision makers together with suppliers and organises a series of roundtable discussions, face to face business meetings and keynote speaker sessions. These events give senior leaders of many industries the opportunity to learn about the latest technology and service offerings along with understanding and exchanging ideas with their peers on relevant industry topics through targeted workshops and sessions.

For further information, please contact:

Jennifer Hoch
Marketing Manager
Focus Network
Suite 2, Level 2,
2-10 Loftus Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Email: jennifer@focusnetwork.co

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