Transitioning into ‘As-a-Service’

Dr. Vladas Leonas, Group Chief Information Officer for the Transport for NSW will provide a Keynote Presentation on, “Transitioning into ‘As-a-Service’ for Small to Medium size Organisation,” at the upcoming CIO Leaders Summit Australia, taking place on February 10 – 11 at the Westin, Sydney.

During this presentation, Dr. Vladas Leonas will share his approach, experience and learnings in transitioning from a traditional IT model into 100% “As-a-Service” model of IT. Dr. Vladas Leonas is also the CIO for West Connex which is owned by NSW Transport – West connex is NSW’s government’s key infrastructure which is the largest integrated transport and urban revitalisation project in Australia.

“ITaaS has been a highly requested key topic so far this year for our CIO Pacific Series and we’re expecting this model to play a reoccurring theme across Australia as well as our 2016 events, taking place in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore.” Tyron McGurgan, CEO, Focus Network. 

For more information about the 2016 CIO Pacific Series, please register your interest here. 

About Focus Network:

Focus Network organises business to business events across a range of industries throughout Asia Pacific. MCI brings senior decision makers together with suppliers and organises a series of roundtable discussions, face to face business meetings and keynote speaker sessions. These events give senior leaders of many industries the opportunity to learn about the latest technology and service offerings along with understanding and exchanging ideas with their peers on relevant industry topics through targeted workshops and sessions.

For further information, please contact:

Jennifer Hoch
Marketing Manager
Focus Network
Suite 2, Level 2,
2-10 Loftus Street
Sydney, NSW 2000


Migrating to the Cloud

Jennifer Hoch
Marketing Manager
Focus Network

15th December 2015 – Focus Network has announced that Ian Gibson, Chief Information Officer, SuperChoice will provide the Keynote Presentation, “Migrating to the Cloud” during the upcoming CIO Leaders Summit Australia, February 10 – 11, taking place at the Westin, Sydney.

During this presentation, Ian will speak on the internal transformation that SuperChoice has recently undergone in their journey to migrating to the cloud. He will speak on how SuperChoice has re-developed their platform and entirely transformed the SuperChoice culture; the functionality, agility and transformation of this entirely new infrastructure, highlighting key points that include: 

  • Rethinking how SuperChoice delivers functionality
  • Public versus Hybrid Cloud
  • Security and Cost
  • The Cloud market and the role of the Cloud Trader

“Ian spoke during our 2015 FSI Leaders Summit on the SuperChoice Journey to the Cloud, which was a valuable asset to the Summit and we’re looking forward to having him participate in our 2016 CIO Pacific Series to provide further updates on this internal transformation.” Tyron McGurgan, CEO Focus Network. 

Ian Gibson is the Chief Information Officer and Responsible Officer for SuperChoice Services Pty Limited where he has been completely transforming the technology business. Prior to joining SuperChoice, Ian worked in senior executive and CIO roles including at Adaptra, CitiStreet, Link Market Services and the National Australia Bank. He also co-founded a boutique consulting firm and has worked with several technology start-ups.

Ian was a Partner in Accenture’s Strategy practice where he focused on business and IT-enabled strategic and operational planning. His consulting work ranged across several industries, both locally and internationally, and for some of the largest clients in their respective industry. Ian is also a Non-Executive Director and Company Secretary focusing on technology start-ups and NFPs. Ian has a BSc (Computer Science & Mathematics) and an MBA from Melbourne Business School and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a regular speaker and has authored more than 43 publications including twice nominated for Thought Leadership awards.

If you are a CIO, Head of IT or key though leader with an innovative solution to offer Australia’s most Senior Technology Executives, please register your interest for the CIO Leaders Summit Australia here: Focus Network:

Focus Network organises business to business events across a range of industries throughout Asia Pacific. MCI brings senior decision makers together with suppliers and organises a series of roundtable discussions, face to face business meetings and keynote speaker sessions. These events give senior leaders of many industries the opportunity to learn about the latest technology and service offerings along with understanding and exchanging ideas with their peers on relevant industry topics through targeted workshops and sessions.

For further information, please contact:

Jennifer Hoch
Marketing Manager
Focus Network
Suite 2, Level 2,
2-10 Loftus Street
Sydney, NSW 2000


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