Mobile Identity

Focus Network has announced that Rocky Scopelliti, Global Industry Executive – Banking, Finance & Insurance, Telstra will provide the Keynote Presentation, “Mobile Identity – The Fusion of Financial Services, Mobility and Identity in a Hyper-Connected World” at the CIO Leaders Summit Australia, February 10 – 11, 2016.

This Keynote Presentation, taking place on Day 1 of the CIO Leaders Summit Australia will provide new global research on unlocking trust for the mobile first Gen X and Y featuring:

  • The battle for generational and digital relevancy – how well is your organisation positioned to compete in a mobile first world ?  
  • In a world where the smartphone has become the link between our human identity and our digital one, how do consumers now prefer to be identified?
  • How can mobile technologies shift the trust paradigm from one of having to prove who we are, to one of being recognised for whom we are?

Rocky Scopelliti is Telstra’s global thought leader and industry expert in the banking, finance and insurance industry. His pioneering work and membership on the innovation council of a major bank, has delivered five industry first innovations. He is also a non-executive director on the board of Community First Credit Union – Sydney’s largest credit union. Rocky has more than twenty years senior management experience in the Information Technology and Financial Services sectors covering product development, strategy and planning, business development, research and strategic marketing.

Over the past seven years, Rocky has authored ten thought leadership research reports covering retail banking, business banking, insurance and wealth management that have become widely acknowledged for their contribution to digital transformation.  Educated in Australia and trained in the USA at Sydney and Stanford Universities, he has a Graduate Diploma in Corporate Management and an MBA. He is also a graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). 

If you are a CIO, Head of IT or key though leader with an innovative solution to offer Australia’s most Senior Technology Executives, please register your interest for the CIO Leaders Summit Australia here:

About Focus Network:
Focus Network organises business to business events across a range of industries throughout Asia Pacific. MCI brings senior decision makers together with suppliers and organises a series of roundtable discussions, face to face business meetings and keynote speaker sessions. These events give senior leaders of many industries the opportunity to learn about the latest technology and service offerings along with understanding and exchanging ideas with their peers on relevant industry topics through targeted workshops and sessions.

For further information, please contact:

Jennifer Hoch
Marketing Manager
Focus Network
Suite 2, Level 2,
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Sydney, NSW 2000


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