Corporate Safety & Health Manager, Alabama Power Company
Joe Parham is the Corporate Safety and Health manager for Alabama Power where he is responsible for safety leadership, strategy and oversight.
Prior to joining Alabama Power, Joe served as the Safety and Health manager for Southern Nuclear, having safety program responsibilities for plants Vogtle, Hatch and Farley.
Joe has over 29 years of combined experience in safety and health and has worked in the industry sectors of biomedical research, manufacturing and utilities.
Joe received a bachelor’s of science degree in chemistry and industrial hygiene from the University of North Alabama in 1997 and a master of public health degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center (Houston) School of Public Health in 2005. He is also a Certified Industrial Hygienist and past chairman of the Nuclear Industrial Safety and Health Association.
Joe lives in Birmingham, AL with his wife Jodie and they have two children Lily and Charlie.