Dr Alan D. Thompson

World expert in AI

Alan D. Thompson is a world expert in artificial intelligence (AI), specializing in the augmentation of human intelligence, and advancing the evolution of ‘integrated AI’.

A former chairman for Mensa International’s gifted families, Alan applies a rigorous background in human intelligence to artificial intelligence.

He provides AI advisory to the majority of Fortune 500s, major governments, and intergovernmental entities including member states of the UN.

In 2021, he created the complete database of large language models (Models Table), in 2022 authored the world’s most comprehensive analysis of datasets used for OpenAI GPT (What’s in my AI?), featured in the US Government’s economic research report on AI in 2023, and in 2024 launched two world-first documents: The Declaration on AI Consciousness and the Bill of Rights for AI.

His best-selling book, Bright, was made available to families at Elon Musk’s gifted school.